The first option includes eating salad {this greek salad; for example}, putting your heating way up high while putting on a bathing suit. I also recommend at this point to pretend your boyfriend {mother, sister, whatev'} is a lama and you're doing a trip trough the mountains. Just because.
Music to pair this mood with: Bob marley- Sun is shining
Warning: if you're currently trying to ignore the cold and singing along with Mr. Marley;
stop reading.
I'm serious.
It's going to be snowy down here.
Aaaah. When you've landed here you've probably embraced the cold, dark days.
I advice you to cuddle with your friends and loved ones, to always keep a blanket by hand {you never know} and enjoy a hearty soup
Maybe a greek one?
With rice and tomatoes?
Well, I can only encourage that kind of behavior...
Greek tomato soup with rice
4 persons
adapted from Jamie magazine (nl) jan/feb 2012
1 onion, finely chopped
125 g rice
1 liter of water
40 g tahini or sesam paste
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Feta- parsly mixture
50 g greek feta cheese; crumbled
smal bunch of parsley
extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp lemon juice {to taste}
one: add the tomatoes, onion and oil in a large saucepan with 1 liter of water and a pinch of salt.
Bring to a boil.
two: add the rice, reduce heat to medium and let simmer 10 minutes.
three: meanwhile, combine the feta, parsley and a dash of olive oil in a bowl. Season with pepper and about a teaspoon of lemon juice {to taste}.
four: whisk the tahini and lemon juice with salt and pepper. Stir into the soup. Serve with a dollop of the parsley-feta mixture.
note: the original recipe calls for the juice of 2 lemons. I, personally, think that's waaaay to much! I like the kick of the lemon juice, but I don't want my soup to taste like sour lemonade... 1/2 lemon should be more than enough.
You can find tahin at most foreign grocery stores | ik haalde mijn potje uit de sleepstraat
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Enjoy! |
Music to pair this hearty soup with: Kings of convenience - Mrs cold
Btw: I'm now the proud owner of a facebookpage. Feel free to press the 'like-button' right on top to keep regularly updated.
Sources of the pictures in the collages:
All via pinterest -
girls in the bathing suit:
cuddling birds: unknown
pillows and blankets:
{all other photos are taken by myself}
This would warm me up in no time - I am so happy to have found such a wonderful recipe, post and blog!
Choc Chip Uru
Thank you so much for your kind words. They warm my heart on this freezing morning. :)
Your note reminded me to one of the tv commercial here. They showed mountains of snow and how terribly cold it was, and asked everybody to go to Thailand for holidays. Haha... what a great escape. :)
I don't know if i could dress up in summer clothes and pretend it is warm while the weather reaches -27 C outside. But at least it is a brilliant idea :D
Those tv-bastards took my idea!
You can always go for option number 2 and put all your sweaters on at the same thime while making soup at the stove. I'ld do something like that when it would be -27°. Brrr. I'm getting a cold only by thinking about that kinda temperature.
Thanks for dropping by!
This looks fantastic. I'm all for option number 2; blankets, jumpers, sitting by the fire and soup. Brilliant.
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