Nop. I haven't been eaten by wolves, I didn't bake myself to dead and I definitely don't suffer from a burnout.
In the contrary; I'm more alive than ever. Ready to kick some serious ass.
But boy, oh boy! How this was the craziest of months someone has ever dealt with.
Last month, I finished my master's thesis and graduated like a boss! This was celebrated with some bubbles and an indoor pick-nick.
I was also told I can start working in September as a kindergarten teacher. Hell yeah! We drank bubbles for realz and ate pie.
Finally; Mr. Boyfriend and I moved in together in our new cosy palace -I'll show you around later on-. We packed and unpacked like our lives depended on it. When all of this was done we drank a bottle of bubbles until we didn't feel our sour feet/hands anymore.
I really got slimmer and way fitter from all of these celebrating-dinners and events. Alcohol does wonders for my body.
- Has no one ever said.
That's why in the next couple of posts I'll try to lighten things up. Think; salads, desserts with no (read: less) sugar and healthy dinner.
Don't worry. I'll still triple-test the recipes and only serve you the best.

Eton mess - lightened up
notes: in the traditional version Eton Mess is made of whipped cream, crumbled meringues and strawberries. In the light version I replaced the cream by greek yoghurt. I didn't add any sugar as meringues are sweet enough. Serve immediately or the meringues so the meringues don't get soggy.
I didn't add any measurements as this recipe should be adjusted to your own taste and hunger.
Greek yoghurt
Meringue (home-made: click here for a recipe or bought)
Strawberries, quartered and hulled
one: in a bowl; mix the yoghurt with a hint of vanilla and set aside.
two: place a layer of strawberries in a medium glass.
three: cover with a tablespoon of greek yoghurt and crumble some meringue on top. Make sure you include some serious chunks, don't crumble it completely.
four: repeat until glass is full
five: enjoy!
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