Thursday, April 5, 2012

His Family | Goat cheese pizza toppings

I'm going to meet His Family!!
{the larger one: aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, ...}

Totally no biggie.
I know.

Which cake should I bake?
Is this dress too short?
Will they like me?

Are they going to ask stupid questions?
Won't I give too many stupid answers?

Mr. Boyfriend says I shouldn't be worried.
He says I'm totally like-able.

I think he says shit like that because I bake him stuff like this:

6 different mini-pizza's.
That's right.
All of them topped with goat cheese.
Hell yeah.

I won't give you a recipe today.
Just some pizza-inspiration.

These are my all-time favorite ones. 
Combined on one plate...

one: goat cheese + finely chopped tomatoes + basil
two: goat cheese + baked mushrooms and red onion + parsley and dille
three: Goat cheese + roasted grapes + balsamic vinegar
four: goat cheese + apple + honey + pine nuts + rocket salad
five: Goat cheese + raspberry jam + chocolate sprinkles
six: Goat cheese + fig jam + dried fig, minced + baked red onion + rocket salad

What is your favorite pizza topping?

Additional music: Balmorhea - Remembrance

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