
Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I said yes

Three years ago,
When we first saw each other, July 20th in the late evening. Both with a glass of beer in our hands, surrounded by mutual friends who didn't yet meet. We laughed. We danced. We flirted. We slipped into the conversation like sliding into fresh apple crumble, right out of the oven. It felt gooey, warm and comforting.

When you asked me out. We skipped down the street. We sang the worst love songs aloud. We hugged like the world would end.

When we closed our eyes and our lips touched each other for the very first time.

I said yes.

Last month,
When we were sitting on the prettiest bench in Lille. Talking about the fancy dinner we just had, giggling about life.
When you dropped on one knee and pulled a small box out of your pocket. I cried a lot and stuttered. You cried a little and laughed.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Light Eton Mess

Nop. I haven't been eaten by wolves, I didn't bake myself to dead and I definitely don't suffer from a burnout.
In the contrary; I'm more alive than ever. Ready to kick some serious ass.
But boy, oh boy! How this was the craziest of months someone has ever dealt with.

Last month, I finished my master's thesis and graduated like a boss! This was celebrated with some bubbles and an indoor pick-nick.
I was also told I can start working in September as a kindergarten teacher. Hell yeah! We drank bubbles for realz and ate pie.
Finally; Mr. Boyfriend and I moved in together in our new cosy palace -I'll show you around later on-. We packed and unpacked like our lives depended on it. When all of this was done we drank a bottle of bubbles until we didn't feel our sour feet/hands anymore.

I really got slimmer and way fitter from all of these celebrating-dinners and events. Alcohol does wonders for my body.
- Has no one ever said.