
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Spicy white bean - couscous burger

One of the nicest things about cooking in these modern times {do I sound like an old fart now?} is how it’s no longer a necessity to survive. Cooking is no longer simply the fulfillment of bodily need and in this line: it's no longer a chore or hassle you need to do to. 

You can now easily order in, take away or go out without wasting too much money or ruining your taste buds.
While only touching two buttons on your oven and a small time waiting, you can have a lasagna, mousaka or [fill in the blank]. 

beetroot- feta salad

This makes the way we cook feel less like a chore or routine and more like an art of personal (and social) pleasure.

The moment I start to chop vegetables, it feels like buying a new dress or holding hands with someone you love.
It isn’t necessary, but it surely does feel all kinds of awesome.

So yes; you can easily buy hundreds of premade vegetarian burgers in the supermarket. 

Yes, most of them taste pretty good. 
Yes, you can spend your time on watching stupid cat video’s instead of kneading white bean mash with garlic and lots of herbs. 

The question is now; do you want to buy ‘em premade? 
Or do you want to get your hands all dirty and spend some quality time with the veg’s/ yourself/ your sous-chef?

For me, the answer depends on my mood, the weather and the sous-chef.
How about you?

Friday, March 1, 2013

carrot cake

Let us sit down for a moment and talk about totally important unimportant stuff.
NYMD recently turned one year!
My little girl is growing up so quickly.

Today, exactly one year ago I posted this post in wich I challenged myself to go about and have one crazy year.
 I wanted to run through a list of 24 tasks before I turned 24 years old.

I haven’t given you an update on my list because well… I’ve turned 24 and well, yeah... I’m no where near done with my list.

So let's just go with it and call this a list in progress; 
a list of things which lead us to a better life; 
a life with more cartwheels, more books and way more fancy dinners.