
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Baked eggs

So, it's finally the last week of my exams... 
 Are you also rocking on the concentration department? 
Yeeaah, me neither.

In case you're in need of some further distraction, here's a list of 15 13 things that are way more fun than studying.

1. Chewing a pencil

2. Looking at pictures of food in space

3. Getting really fascinated by the wonders of gifs

4. (Re)pinning a loooot of shit on pinterest

5. Writing a best-selling (to be) novel

6. Watching 435.558.434 TED-talks

7. Planning the post-exams party

8. Yodeling

9. Getting bit by an alligator

9. Planning summer vacation
{Morocco, here we come!)

10. Doctor Who marathon, anyone?

11. Windowshopping through the internet

12. Doing push-ups

13. Doing the dishes

13. Cooking 

If you're to busy practicing your yodeling to even start cooking {really, who could blame you?} I sincerely recommend you to try this pretty baked egg for breakfast, lunch and/ or dinner.
It's the easiest, yummiest treat that's ever been made in 20 minutes tops.
Haaaajajajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajajajave fun!
{that's me yodeling, folks}

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Aubergine parmigiana

For recipe: scroll down

Dear 2013,

how you smell like fresh linnen & unpooped babies.
You're just so young and new and all different kinds of innocent...
Boy, how I have the highest expectations of you!
You and I, we're going to be besties.
Not sure? To much pressure?
Let me give you 5 reasons why you'll be the awesomest of years: