
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Totally addictive beetroot salad with feta

8 reasons to make this mind-blowing side salad!

  1. Yesterday, you had the most amazing party where you totally danced your ass off. Let's say, for example, two of your best friends got married and now your whole body is sour. This salad will kick you up in no time.
  2. You want to pretend you're effing healthy. Did those newyear-resolutions really get to you, girl? Keep it up; here's a salad.
  3. Tomorrow, you're having your last exam this semester. You don't have lots of time, sidesalads should be a quick thing to do in this point of your life.
  4. You like colours. Maybe even pink? If you do like pink, it's hard to resist  this salad. It totally is.
  5. You want beet-stained hands. Say WHAT? Why would you ever want that? I don't know. I'm just saying that IF you would want them; this is the easiest way to get them.
  6. You want to please your friend. Your hardworking and loyal side-kick, for example, who stood next to you during this whole exam-period. He will be very thankfull after eating this salad. He just won't admit it. His 'hmmmm' will make you totally understand it.
  7. You want to show off your pretty flower-plate. Here is mine. Isn't it pretty?
  8. Did I mention it's really pinkish?

Monday, January 23, 2012


Valentine is coming up.

So let's talk about boys and food.
Boys are awesome.
Food is awesome.

Boys like cookies, bananabread and crumble.
I know this.
I did the research for you.

Boys don't particularly like heart shaped carrots.
Neither fancy salads with yoghurt vinaigrette or light mayo.
They will eat it ... if they are well-educated at least...
But it won't make them fall in love with you all over again.

We do want them to fall in love with you all over again.
Preferably every evening.
And morning.

So this is my advice for valentine's day:
Cook the boy some steak.
Boys like steak.

Mr. Boyfriend likes steak.
He likes it real good.

So for valentine's day I'll cook him some steak.
Even better; I'll make it a burger-ish one.

Steak Sarnie

For you and your loved one.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to seduce your mother-in-law | bananabread

I have the most incredible boyfriend.
Also; I have an amazing mother-in-law.
She is funny, she is sweet, she throws amazing parties and she is an amazing cook.

But, I know, not all of you are that priveleged.

For those of you who don't really like their mother-in-law:
suck it up, girls.

I'm really sorry, but that's what you have to do.
Don't mess with thé mother in law.
She is the mother of your boyfriend.
- Yes, captain obvious is at work today-
She gave birth to him and fed him for the last .. years.
Food is important!
Do never underestimate the power of food.

Making her happy = making your boyfriend/ husband happy.
I assure you.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Simplicity | ciabatta with goat cheese and roasted vegetables

Sometimes there are no words.
There is just love.
And food.
Lovely, lovely food.

Today I present to you:

Ciabatta with grilled vegetables and goatcheese

It's healthy,
it's delicious,
it's easy,
it's cheap,
it's love sweet love, baby!

Because I like you!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Love at first word | clafoutis with plums


Say it slowly. 
Pronounce every syllable. 
Give it a little french touch.
- You may even add a little whisper.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Triple C: CarrotCurryCoconutsoup!

You can choose whichever name you’d fancy. As long as you try this shit out!
This is the kind of soup that makes you want to curl up under a blanket on your sofa. It’s the kind of soup that makes you want to close the curtains and watch 'The office' all night long. Most of all; THIS is the kind of soup you'll want to eat for the rest of your life.

It’s a pimped out version of your moms carrot soup. Try it out!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My kitchen, bitches!

If it ain't my mama's kitchen, than who the hell may this kitchen belong to?

I'll tell you lady's:

This is my kitchen.
The tiny kitchen where I burn my cake, where I drop the souffle.
It's the place I overcook my steak and I ruin the pancakepie.
This kitchen doesn't feature meatless-mondays, nor broccoli or squid.

That's just nasty.

It's a real life kitchen. And I'm damn proud of it too!

But most of all, this is the kitchen I love.

Oh kitchen, do you remember my first home made jam?
The first time you gave birth to the best apple pie of the whole wide world...
Remember the first time I made tofu actually taste like something good, you were there too.
The first time I've put a lemon in a chicken's ass,
the best pizza ever made,
the first time I made dinner for friends (and they really liked it/ they pretended to like it)

For now, that's all you need to know.
I'll soon start to share some recipes, pictures and ideas.
I would love some reactions if you'd happen to stumble upon this place because of some bad-chosen searchterms, if I asked you to take a look at it or if you see some horrible grammar.
Just remember; this is not my native tongue. Please have mercy. Please be patient.

Oh! Here's a picture of me wearing an apron. Pretty hardcore, don't you think?